Hybrid: A Partnership Between Your Family and The Doggy Dojo

Hybrid: A Partnership Between Your Family and The Doggy Dojo

Hybrid: A Partnership Between Your Family and The Doggy Dojo

Sometimes life, just like a puppy, has unexpected surprises for us. Sometimes good people get a dog with the best of intentions but just cant manage to complete the training. An unexpected surgery may confine the owner to the house while they heal, the loss of a loved one or other life event sometimes stops the progress of the dogs progress or even threatens to bring up the dreaded conversation of rehoming the dog. 

In select situations the Doggy Dojo staff can intervene with a hybrid training program where we partner with the family to facilitate the physical portions of the dogs Obedience and Socialization components of training. 

Nothing can replace the bond, spiritual connection and emotional experience that training your dog yourself provides. Likewise this program does not allieviate the owner and their family from the responsibility of Habituating your furry little household citizen to their role in your family and your home. Sometimes referred to as “Day Train” programs or “Adventure Based” training by other professionals, the Dojo Team will assist socializing and leash training the dog utilizing the Training Room at The Dojo, lovingly known as Chico’s Gym, and dog welcoming public spaces such as Lowe’s, Tractor Supply, State Parks and other foot traffic intensive areas.  

Bark At Us, We'll Howl Back!

At The Doggy Dojo, we're passionate about canine companionship, and we're here to help you every step of the way. Have questions or eager to learn more about our training programs and community? Don't hesitate to reach out. Your companion's journey towards canine harmony starts with a conversation. Contact us today!

The Doggy Dojo

Train • Play • Rescue
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