


Play is a necessary part of every dog's and every human's life, both shared and individually. Joy, love, and “play” are the reasons why we “dog” in the first place. For some of us, if we had to, we could live completely without a dog's love in our lives; we just couldn’t live a complete life without a dog's love.

We thoroughly believe that playing and training are key to both human and canine balance and that they have a symbiotic and reciprocal relationship. That is, they go together like peanut butter and jelly… or peanut butter and Kongs. Simply put, “fish swim, birds fly… Dogs Play” and that every now and then even the best trained dogs, “Gotta Dawg”. However, we do believe in Structured Socialization being the key component to your dog living a robust life full of interactions with humans and dogs alike.

The knowledge that the other dogs and humans in attendance have all participated in the same training you and your Dojo Dawg endeavoured in makes for a perfect chance to Play and Train in a positive and like minded environment.

Your active participation and membership in The Doggy Dojo Community allows for weekly access to Play and Train, Workshop and, yes, even purely social events as we all recognize that “all train and no play makes for a dull Dojo Dawg.

Some of our current play, train, and socialization offerings include:

  • Sundae Social: offered weekly every Sunday, weather permitting, adjacent to Lake Besek at the Caboose Ice Cream stand adjacent to The Perrotti’s Country Barn in Middlefield, Connecticut. Enjoy interaction with other Doggy Dojo families in an idyllic New England setting. Both are picturesque environments.
  • Distraction Class: Used to proof our obedience and etiquette training under real-world circumstances and environmental stress such as bouncing balls, loud noises and wonky humans reproduced by the staff of the Doggy Dojo. This is where we test our training for purposes of competency and confidence.
  • Weekend Workshops & Community Hours: Come out and workshop that one drill you been trying to perfect, or maybe showcase that new trick ya got down for your old Dojo buddies. 

Bark At Us, We'll Howl Back!

At The Doggy Dojo, we're passionate about canine companionship, and we're here to help you every step of the way. Have questions or eager to learn more about our training programs and community? Don't hesitate to reach out. Your companion's journey towards canine harmony starts with a conversation. Contact us today!

The Doggy Dojo

Train • Play • Rescue
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